Monday 18 March 2013

Mother's Day Cake

Here's the story: I'm currently cooking with only one hand due to an incident attempting to take some very stubborn brownies out of their tin where the knife slipped and went straight though my hand. After 7 hours in A and E and three stitches, my hand is fixed but I can't move my fingers yet, so I only have one hand to bake with!
Hopefully the recipes, cakes and bakes I post on here will get more impressive as my hand gets better, but here is a simple Mother's Day cake made on the 10th of March:

Mother's Day Cake
I used a cup cake recipe for the actual cake - it is the most lovely moist vanilla sponge I have tried, but is a little richer than your typical Victoria Sponge. It's sandwiched with vanilla cream and home made strawberry jam from home grown strawberries and topped with more vanilla cream. 
The flower decorations are simply made by slicing up marshmallows and dipping the sticky side in coloured sugar crystals.

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